The Little Children

Being the Christmas season, today’s sermon at church was based on the second chapter of Matthew’s gospel, when the wise men come to visit the baby Jesus. A familiar story, yes, but I wish to focus on verse 16, as I see a parallel between that time, two millennia ago in the middle east, and this time, today in America.

The prologue: Jesus is born, Magi (astrologers), led by “his (Jesus’) star,” come from the east (perhaps Persia) “to worship him.” Not-so-nice King Herod the Great, a power freak, is “troubled” by this, so he asks his priests for more information. Once he learns that the prophets foretold the Christ would be born in Bethlehem, he attempts to get the Magi to, after finding the baby, return to him and tell him, so he “too may come and worship him.” Yeah, right. The Magi receive a revelatory dream about King Nasty, ditch the idea of going back and telling him where the Messiah is, and head back home.

The point: “Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men” (Matt. 2:17 (ESV)).

The parallel: With the innocent children singing at today’s service, and considering this infanticide promulgated by an evil tyrant, I found myself recalling the film “Sound of Freedom,” which I watched in July and wrote about here on August 17. If you have not yet seen it, do so. Here’s a link: It provides the parallel: killing of innocent children by Herod then is perhaps surpassed in evilness by the killing of innocent pre-born children and the child sex trafficking that’s going on now. When you watch the film, I hope you have the same reaction I did–it saddened me and it sickened me–and that you are compelled to stand up against this evil. I believe a good first step there would be, if you really love your children, to get them out of the government-run schools, where the evil leftists are hell-bent on programming them to be minions of their malevolence.

How does the old Sunday school song go? Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.

Do you?